Yesterday (October 23), 3-day 15th China International Advertising Festival in the "Tencent night awards ceremony," the Colorful, the curtain fell. Great Wall of China Advertising Awards Advertising Festival has been hailed as the finale of drama each year, particularly by domestic and international advertising expectations. Intermec Shanghai advertising company to become the biggest winner this year, the building of the "Adidas - Sui Feifei, Hu Jia, Zheng" series of print ads work took away the most enviable Grand Award.
銆??鏈眾骞垮憡鑺傚湪娲诲姩缁勭粐銆佽幏濂栦綔鍝佺瓑鏂归潰閮芥湁杈冨ぇ鎻愬崌銆?Li Dongsheng of China Advertising Association, in his closing remarks the Secretary-General on the work of the current advertising and results section affirmed, he showed that this advertising section of a series of promising new features, including the renamed "China International Advertising Festival", the new addition of the "Passion 24" China International Young Creative Competition, invited participants and other international advertising expert international initiatives; works to increase the public rating the content unit; and continued innovation forum topics.姝e洜涓哄姝わ紝鏈眾骞垮憡鑺備篃鐪熸鎴愪负鈥滀腑鍥藉箍鍛婁笟鍙戝睍鏂伴噷绋嬬殑涓?釜缂╁奖锛屾槸涓浗骞垮憡涓氭棩鐩婂浗闄呭寲銆佷笓涓氬寲鐨勪竴涓氦娴佷笌灞曠ず骞冲彴鈥濄?
Section of this ad as a strategic partner, the only web portal, Tencent exclusive contractor network and an exclusive live video throughout the Great Wall Award Presentation Ceremony, which is between Tencent and advertising festival organizing committee of the third "perfect cooperation." Tencent executive vice president of online media for the cooperation Mr. Liu Shengyi given a high rating.浠栭珮鍏寸殑鍛婅瘔璁拌?锛岃吘璁綉鏈夊垢鍦ㄨ繃鍘讳笁骞翠腑涓庡箍鍛婅妭鎼烘墜璧拌繃锛屽叡鍚岃璇佷簡涓浗骞垮憡鐣屽彂灞曠殑缂╁奖锛岃繖绂讳笉寮?箍鍛婅妭缁勫浼氱殑鍘氱埍銆?鈥滀负鑾呬复鐩涘吀鐨勬潵瀹炬墦閫犱竴鍦鸿瀺骞垮憡缁忓吀鍜岀綉缁滅壒鑹蹭负涓?綋鐨勫箍鍛婄洓瀹存槸鑵捐涓?洿鍔姏杩芥眰鐨勩?鈥濅粬璇淬?
銆??鍒樿儨涔変粙缁嶏紝浣滀负鏂板獟浣撶殑浠h〃锛岃吘璁綉杩戝嚑骞存潵鍦ㄥ箍鍛婅惀閿?鍩熷彂灞曡繀鐚涳紝鍦ㄥ幓骞寸殑骞垮憡鑺備笂锛岃吘璁綉鎻愬嚭浜嗏?鑵捐鏅烘収鈥濈悊蹇碉紝浠ュ垎浜?鍒涙柊浠ュ強浣撻獙绛夎绱犲畾浣嶇綉缁滆惀閿?叿浣撴柟鍚戝拰鏂瑰紡锛屼负琛屼笟鍙戝睍鏍戠珛鏂板熀鍑嗐?缁忚繃涓?勾鐨勫疄璺碉紝鈥滆吘璁櫤鎱р?楂樻晥鍦ㄧ嚎钀ラ攢浣撶郴寰楀埌浜嗗悇琛屼笟瀹㈡埛鐨勫箍娉涜鍙拰浣跨敤锛屽苟鍙栧緱浜嗕笉鑿茬殑鎴愮哗銆傚湪鏈骞垮憡鑺備笂锛岃吘璁綉鏇存槸涓?妇鍖呮徑浜嗏?濯掍綋浼佸垝濂?缃戠粶绫?鈥濈殑17椤瑰ぇ濂栵紝杩欐伆鏄瘎濮斾細瀵硅吘璁綉缁滆惀閿?环鍊肩殑璁ゅ彲鍜岃濂栥?鈥滃湪鏈潵锛岃吘璁綉浠嶅皢涓?鏃㈠線鍦板弬涓庡拰鏀寔骞垮憡鑺傦紝涓庝笟鍐呭悓浠佽皨姹傚叡鍚屾垚闀裤?鈥濆垬鑳滀箟鍛婅瘔璁拌?銆?br />
銆??闄ゅ叏鍦哄ぇ濂栧紩寰椾紬浜烘儕鍛硷紝棰佸鍏哥ぜ涓婏紝绮惧僵鐨勫箍鍛婁綔鍝佷笉鏂紩寰楀彴涓嬬垎鍙戝嚭鎺屽0鍜屽枬褰╁0銆?br />
銆??浠ヤ笅涓轰粖骞粹?涓浗骞垮憡闀垮煄濂栭噾濂栤?瀹屽叏鑾峰鍚嶅崟锛?br />
銆??褰辫绫诲舰璞″锛?br />
銆??Lowe China鐫跨嫯骞垮憡浼犳挱 寮虹敓濠村効鏃犲悕鑻遍泟鈥斺?閭撲簹钀嶇瘒
銆??褰辫绫婚鍝侀」锛?br />
銆??鐧炬瘮璧箍鍛?涓婃捣)鏈夐檺鍏徃 鏇煎Ε鎬濇棤绯栧す蹇冨彛棣欑硸绡?br />
銆??褰辫绫婚ギ鏂欓」锛?br />
銆??鍗氳揪澶фˉ鍥介檯骞垮憡浼犲獟鏈夐檺鍏徃 瑕佹潵灏辨潵鐪熺殑-鈥滅埍鎯呭師鍒欌?绡?br />
銆??璐靛窞澶╅┈骞垮憡鍏徃 闆疯揪鏉?櫕鍓傘?鐖跺瓙绡囥?
銆??鍗氳揪澶фˉ鍥介檯骞垮憡浼犲獟鏈夐檺鍏徃 鑼堕鍘?br />
銆??鍖椾含鐢甸?骞垮憡鏈夐檺鍏徃 鏅鸿仈鎷涜仒-鍘熷浜虹瘒(褰辫)
銆??鍙扮仯鏅哄▉婀仠寤e憡鍏徃 璩肩墿绡?br />
銆??骞抽潰绫婚噾濂?br />
銆??骞抽潰绫婚鍝侀」锛?br />
銆??骞夸笢鐪佸箍鍛婅偂浠芥湁闄愬叕鍙?绁愬悍椋熷搧绾矞鑲夌郴鍒?-鍖呭瓙绡囥?姘撮ズ绡囥?棣勯エ绡?br />
銆??骞抽潰绫婚ギ鏂欓」锛?br />
銆??鍙扮仯鏅哄▉婀仠寤e憡鍏徃 绔规灄銆佹瀛愩?闆湴銆佺獥妫傘?褰卞瓙绡?br />
銆??骞夸笢鑻辨壃浼犲骞垮憡鏈夐檺鍏徃 鑻忔硦灏斿幓鐨垁鈥滆劚鈥濈郴鍒?-缃戠汗鐡溿?鑼勫瓙銆佸湡璞嗐?鐧借悵鍗滅瘒
銆??骞抽潰绫婚?璁簨鍔¢」锛?br />
銆??骞抽潰绫诲舰璞¢」锛?br />
銆??鏅哄▉姹ら?-涓箶骞垮憡鏈夐檺鍏徃涓婃捣鍒嗗叕鍙?鐚帇銆佹瘯鍔犵储銆佹瘮鍩哄凹绡?br />
銆??BBDO CHINA CO.LIMITED GE缁胯壊鍒涙兂濂ヨ繍绡?br />
銆??骞抽潰绫诲鐢ㄧ數鍣ㄩ」锛?br />
銆??涓婃捣鏉庡ゥ璐濈撼骞垮憡鏈夐檺鍏徃 鐔ㄦ枟鍨?3)
銆??鐏垫満钀ラ攢鍜ㄨ(涓婃捣)鏈夐檺鍏徃 閲戞?骞充箣寮圭哀閽㈢瑪绡?寮圭哀鍕哄瓙绡?寮圭哀鐗欏埛绡?br />
銆??楹﹁偗鍏夋槑骞垮憡鍏徃(涓婃捣) 闂ㄩ兘娌℃湁绡?br />
銆??鍥藉畨DDB(鍖椾含)骞垮憡浼犲獟鏈夐檺鍏徃 璺墝绯诲垪涔?銆?銆?
銆??姹熻タ涓滄柟鑸瑰箍鍛婃湁闄愬叕鍙?銆婄嫍鐙楀敱姝岀瘒銆?br />
銆??鎴峰绫昏矾鐗岄」锛?br />
銆??鍥藉畨DDB(鍖椾含)骞垮憡浼犲獟鏈夐檺鍏徃 姘存繁鐏儹绯诲垪鍖楁瀬鐔婄瘒銆佷紒楣呯瘒銆佹捣璞圭瘒
銆??鎴峰绫荤伅绠遍」锛?br />
銆??鐩涗笘闀垮煄鍥介檯骞垮憡鏈夐檺鍏徃涓婃捣鍒嗗叕鍙?鐢熺墿鏂囧瓧 鐭博缇?榛戦潰鐞甸弓 鐝婄憵 鐘?墰
銆??鎴峰绫诲叾浠栭」锛?br />
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